Bill n°1074 on compensation for victims of sexual offences, crimes against children and domestic violence voted on 7 December 2023
This Act establishes a system enabling victims of offences to…
Adoption of proposed law no. 259 amending certain provisions of law no. 729 of March 16, 1963 relating to employment contracts, as amended, and instituting the conventional termination of employment contracts.
This proposal was adopted on November 28, 2023. The Monegasque…
Bill no. 1.085 on the right to be forgotten and other measures to facilitate access to credit filed.
This bill stems from Bill 254 "instituting the right to…
Bill n° 1.086 instituting maternity leave for self-employed workers affiliated to the Caisse d’assurance maladie, accident et maternité des travailleurs indépendants (“CAMTI”).
CAMTI is the health insurance fund for self-employed workers. Three…
Ministerial Order no. 2023-680 of November 22, 2023 amending Ministerial Order no. 2021 703 of November 8, 2021, as amended, relating to the list of States or territories whose anti-money laundering, countering the financing of terrorism or anti-corruption measures are strategically deficient, as referred to in article 14-1 of Act no. 1.362 of August 3, 2009, as amended.
The Ministerial Order of November 22, 2023 amends article 1…
Ministerial Order no. 2023-680 of November 22, 2023 amending Ministerial Order no. 2021 703 of November 8, 2021, as amended, relating to the list of States or territories whose anti-money laundering, countering the financing of terrorism or anti-corruption measures are strategically deficient, as referred to in article 14-1 of Act no. 1.362 of August 3, 2009, as amended.
The Ministerial Order of November 22, 2023 amends article 1…
Sovereign Order 10.117 of 21 September 2023 amending Sovereign Order 3.573 of 11 May 1966 implementing Law 797 of 18 February 1966 on civil companies.
The list of documents to be provided when applying for…
Sovereign Order 10.062 of 31 July 2023 amending Sovereign Order 2.271 of 6 July 2009 on the determination of the usury rate
The average rate determined under the conditions referred to in…
Ministerial Order no. 2023-416 of 11 July 2023 amending Ministerial Order no. 2018 1079 of 21 November 2018 regulating the general principles of safety against the risks of fire and panic in buildings.
This order makes it compulsory to install a carbon monoxide…
Sovereign Order n° 9.966 of 30th June 2023 amending Sovereign Order n° 605 of 1st August 2006 implementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, its Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, and its Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, adopted in New York on 15 November 2000, as amended.
Following on from Sovereign Order 605 of 1 August 2006…
Law no. 1.546 of 20 April 2023 amending articles 7 and 8 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
As a result of the Sovereign Cloud, the Principality will…
Law no. 1.544 of 20 April 2023 instituting a Monegasque Supplementary Pension Fund
Until now, private sector employers and employees in Monaco were…